Activity-based Management (ABM) Best Practices

AUTHOR:Christian Babbini, FCPA, FCMAFounder and CEO, CPATECH Recognizing the potential of activity-based management, many organizations began implementing ABM projects in the 90s. In fact, a 1992 survey by the Institute of Management Accountants found only 100 implementation projects under way at that time, compared to over 20,000 at the end of 1998. Then, starting in…

Does your dashboard provide an accurate picture of the situation?

Does your dashboard provide an accurate picture of the situation? HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU BEEN TOLD THAT YOUR COSTS ARE ACCURATE AND PRECISE? Several years ago, I was asked to give conferences on BI (Business intelligence). Because of my focus on costing and profitability analysis, I found the topic extremely interesting. The question that…