
Management Accounting Services

Product Portfolio and Capacity Analysis

With the DNA of many entrepreneurs, saying no to a client is often very difficult. This is why over the years, a proliferation of products and services are added within a company. But at what cost ? It is not uncommon to see your sales increase but at the same time, profits stagnate or even reduce. Not to mention that the available capacity is becoming less and less available. This is a sign that it is necessary to review your products/services portfolio and find the path to regain profitability at the desired level, while freeing up time.

With a good review of your costing and a good understanding of your products/services, it will be possible to make a profitable cleanup.

A budget should be a dynamic tool allowing you to do as many scenarios as desired. A budget is basically just a scenario… The main challenge of a budget is its acceptance. As long as a budget does not correctly reflect operations and managers are not closely linked and accountable, it quickly becomes obsolete and cast aside. Basically, it will probably be used for financial purposes and not management…

Other aspects that make budgets unattractive for managers is the amount of effort to put in. Very often we are out of breath at the end of the process. Not to mention the feedback time and the flexibility of it to adapt with real data. All of this means that the information is often outdated and/or incomplete.